99 Names of Allah (Asmā ul-Husnā)| 1-20

99 Names of Allah (Asmā ul-Husnā)| 1-20

The Most Excellent Names belong to Allah: use them to call on Him, and keep away from those who abuse them- they will be requited for what they do. /Sūra al-A’rāf 7:180/

Allah! La ilāhla illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He)! To Him belong the Best Names. /Sūra Tahā 20:8/

He is Allah: the Creator, the Originator, the Shaper. The best names belong to Him. Everything in the heavens and earth glorifies Him: He is the Almighty, the Wise. /Sūra al-Hashr 59:24/

Narrated Abu Huraira: Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said, “Allah has 99 names, i.e. one-hundred minus one, and whoever knows them will go to Paradise.”

/Reference = Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 2736
In-book reference = Book 54, Hadith 23 /

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Apostle () as saying:

Verily, there are 99 names for Allah, i. e. hundred excepting one. He who enumerates them would get into Paradise.

And Hammam has made this addition on the authority of Abu Huraira who reported it from Allah's Apostle () that he said:

"He is Odd (one) and loves odd number."

/Reference = Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2677 b
In-book reference = Book 48, Hadith 6 /

Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Messenger () said,

"Allah has 99 Names, one-hundred less one; and he who memorized them all by heart will enter Paradise." To count something means to know it by heart. 

/Reference = Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 7392
In-book reference = Book 97, Hadith 21/

Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah has 99 Names, i.e., one hundred minus one, and whoever believes in their meanings and acts accordingly, will enter Paradise; and Allah is Witr (one) and loves 'the Witr' (i.e., odd numbers).

/Reference = Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 6410
In-book reference = Book 80, Hadith 105/

1 الرَّحْمَنُ => ar-Rahmān
The Merciful

The Arabic words – Rahmān and Rahīm are both intensive forms of referring to different aspects of Allah’s attribute of Mercy (Rahma).

The attribute ar-Rahmān is not applicable to any but Allah:

It is His Mercy that goes before even the need arises – that which Allah provides to all His creation – nurturing them, protecting them, guiding them, preserving them and leading them to a higher order.

# benefits of recitation

Recite 100 x after wājib salāh to develop a good memory, keen awareness and be freed of a heavy heart.

2 الرَّحِيمُ => ar-Rahīm
the Compassionate

The Arabic words “Rahmān” and “Rahīm” are both intensive forms of referring to different aspects of Allah’s attribute of Mercy (Rahma).

The attribute Rahīm denotes reserved Mercy.
It is exclusive mercy to those who voluntarily believe in Him.

# benefits of recitation

Recite 100 x after Ṣalāt ul-Fajr for friendship.
Recite 100 x after every salāh for safety from calamities.

3 الْمَلِكُ => al-Mālik
The King

Al-Mālik conveys the meaning of -

‘One who is free, by virtue of His own merits and characteristics from depending on anything in existence whilst everything in existence depends on Him.’

In other words, nothing in existence can do without Him, whereas everything that exists derives its existence from Him or because of Him.

# benefits of recitation

Recite Ya Mālik frequently and you may be treated with respect by others.

Read after noon for abundant wealth. Prophet Khidr taught Duā:

“Allahumma atal Mālikul Haqq. Allazhiy laa ilaaha illaa anta. Ya Allahu, Ya Salāhmu, Ya Shaafiy” followed by Ya Shaafiyal Quloob” 3x

4 الْقُدُّوسُ => al-Quddūs
The Holy

Al-Quddūs is derived from a word meaning purity. It means purity in all aspects:

That is to say that Allah is pure and free from all flaws, defects, errors, drawbacks, faults…. He is above all human weaknesses. It means the One who is so pure and holy that His characteristics cannot be perceived by the senses.

# benefits of recitation

Recite at sunset for expansion of the heart.
Recite to free heart from thoughts that cause trouble, worry and pain.

5 السَّلاَمُ => As-Salām
The Flawless

Salām’ means peace. It conveys unconditional security and assurance of tranquillity. There can be no peace or tranquillity from anyone other than Him.

The manifestation of As-Salām comes when one does not lean on a tree that will dry up and decay;

which means not to depend on people who will age and die but instead to depend on As-Salām, who will provide peace and safety in all circumstances.

# benefits of recitation

Recite Ya Salam 100 x to regain health.
Recite 160 x and blow on sick person for Shifā’ah, followed by Ya Shaafiyal Quloob” 3x

6 الْمُؤْمِنُ => al-Mūmin
The Giver of Faith

Al-Mūmin means the One who provides the means of security, blocking all avenues of fear.

To say Allah grants His ibādah (pl of abd) security against all that they fear must be understood in the light of the circumstances of the life in this world and in the hereafter.

# benefits of recitation

Recite Ya Mūmin to be freed from the harm of your idol/ego.
Recite 36 x when faced with danger and hostility. Write on paper and keep for safety.

7 الْمُهَيْمِنُ => al-Muhaymin
The Guardian

Al Muhaymin means that he is the one who oversees all of creation – all our actions. He provides sustenance and decrees our life spans through His Knowledge, Control and Protection.

Anyone who oversees something is its guardian having absolute power and authority over it.

 Al Muhaymin is the One who encompasses in His knowledge the management of the affairs of all His creation from the smallest atom to the largest planet in the cosmos.

# benefits of recitation

Recite after Wudū 115 x for inner illumination.
Recite 5000 x for 7 days for success.

8 الْعَزِيزُ => al-Azīz
The Incomparable

The root word of this attribute means might, power, strength, victory and elevation.

Al Azīz is the one Who Alone has all honour, He is never humiliated – neither imagination nor intellect can conceive Him.

He can never be harmed, He is always victorious. It also means The Incomparable.

# benefits of recitation

Recite Ya ‘Azīz for 40 days between wājib salāh, for independence.
115 x for acquaintance with the unseen.

9 الْجَبَّارُ => al-Jabbār
The Compeller

Linguistically, Al Jabbār is derived from a word which is the opposite of breaking. It suggests the mending of something that is broken, crushed, shattered, fractured…..

The adjective ‘Jabbār’ is also said to mean great, inaccessible….

Linguists say Al Jabbār means – the most Great, the Supreme.

Al Jabbār also means the One Whose will prevails. Nothing can happen in His domain except what He pleases.

It may also mean the One Who repairs, improves, reforms, corrects…. He is the one who not only mends what is broken but also enriches the one who is in want.

# benefits of recitation

Recite Ya Jabbār 21x each time and you should not be compelled to do anything.
Recite for safety against tyrant.

10 الْمُتَكَبِّرُ => al-Mutakabbir
The Proud

Understanding ‘Al Mutakabbir’ requires a good deal of insight and reasoning:

Its root word means greatness incorporating the concept of one’s perfection.

Nobody can be described as perfect except Allah. Al Mutakabbir is the One Who possesses all greatness and Who rightly deserves pride and glory.

# benefits of recitation

Begin every act with Ya Mutakabbir for successful completion.
Recite 10 x before intimacy for a righteous child.

11 الْخَالِقُ => al-Khāliq
The Creator

Al Khāliq’ is derived from a word meaning creating. Al Khāliq is the one who brings things into existence from non-existence.

The harmony and interconnectedness of millions of natural phenomena in our world can only be explained on the basis of one theory – namely that there is a Creator – Al-Khāliq who has established creation by means of a limitless and infinite power with a programme for each element of creation.

# benefits of recitation

Recite Ya Khāliq at night to act for His sake.
If recited at night angels will pray till the end of the night.

12 الْبَارِئُ => al-Bāri
The Giver of Life

‘Baraa’ means creating or initiating creation without a previous model. ‘Baraa’ also implies a process of evolving from a previously created matter.

Al Bāri is thus the Maker or the Evolver. He is the one who moulds each form and frame creating all things in proportion. It follows on from Al Khāliq – the One who creates out of nothing.

# benefits of recitation

Recite Ya Bāri’ frequently and hard work should become easy.

For conceiving fast for 7 days and break fast with ‘Ya Khāliq, Ya Bāri’, Ya Musawwir’ 21 times

13 الْمُصَوِّرُ => al-Musawwir
The Fashioner

Al Musawwir is the one who fashions or designs, giving something its distinctive form, colour or shape, making it exactly suited to given end or objective. He creates the human being with different physiques, size, complexions etc…

It follows on from Al Khāliq and Al Bāri:

First creating out of nothing, then making a prototype and from the prototype, different forms exactly suited to their situations.

# benefits of recitation

Recite Ya Musawwir frequently and hard work should become easy.

14 الْغَفَّارُ => al-Ghaffār
The Forgiver

Al Ghaffār is the attributes derived from Ghufr and Ghufraan both of which convey the meaning of veiling or hiding or concealing.

Al Ghaffār is the quality which manifests itself what is noble and hides what is disgraceful, it is Al Ghaffār who forgives sins, who veils shortcomings who wipes out sins by accepting ones Tawba.

# benefits of recitation

Recite to subdue anger.
Recite 100 x after Ṣalāt ul-Jumua’ for forgiveness of previous week’s faults.

15 الْقَهَّارُ => al-Qahhār
The Subduer

Al Qahhār is derived from a word, which means a conquest, or subduing or vanquishing.

It really means the overtaking of something or someone with the intention to subdue them and Al Qahhār is the quality of Allah which breaks the back of his enemies.

# benefits of recitation

Recite 100 x after Fajr salāh to overcome your enemy.
Repeat frequently, to gain inner peace and be freed from being wronged by another.

16 الْوَهَّابُ => al-Wahhāb
The Bestower

Al Wahhāb is derived from the noun hibba, which means to make someone else the owner of what the giver rightfully owns without asking the second party for any compensation in return.

It is the quality of giving without conditions, limits or recompense.

# benefits of recitation

Repeat Ya Wahhāb 7x at midnight for Duā to be answered.

17 الرَّزَّاقُ => Ar-Razzāq
The Provider

Ar Razzāq is that quality of Allah which creates the means of sustenance as well as the need for it and the enjoyment of it. He is the Sustainer and sustenance is needed to maintain creation. He provides and maintains all of creation both physically and spiritually.

# benefits of recitation

Recite 10 x facing qiblah and then 10 x in the other 3 directions to remove poverty.
Repeat 545 x for increased sustenance.
Go into seclusion and repeat 1000 x to meet Prophet Khidr if your sustenance is halal.
Write and hang in workplace to be successful.
Recite 100 x after Ṣalāt al-Jumu‘ah’ if stressed and depressed.

18 الْفَتَّاحُ => al-Fattāh
The Opener

In Arabic, fataha, the verb, means “opened,” and miftaah means key, whereas fath means victory or conquest. It also means: to arbitrate between 2 opponents. “Istiftah” means: seeking help or achieving victory.

Al Fattah, therefore, is the One Who opens what is closed and Who has the keys to everything.

He is the one Who grants victory. He opens the closed hearts and fills them with His light, so they are at peace and are able to achieve success.

# benefits of recitation

With hands on your chest, repeat Ya Fattah 70 x after Ṣalāt ul-Fajr for the heart to be free of rust and be opened, given victory over the ego and be purified.

19 اَلْعَلِيْمُ => al-Alīm
The Knower

Al Alīm is derived from Ilm, which means knowledge and it results from comprehending the truth about something and from the sure conviction which agrees with reality.

Al Alīm is the one who knows all; he knows what has happened, what is happening and what will happen from the beginning to the end.

All existence is present at all times in the knowledge of Al Alīm; he knows the hidden and the manifest, the small and the great, the before and the after.

# benefits of recitation

Recite Ya Alīm 100 x after every wājib salāh for intuition.
For hidden knowledge, do Sajda on Friday night and recite Ya Alīm 100 x.
Recite Ya Alīm for the heart to be illuminated.
For hajat, go outside, pray 2 rakat salāh and then recite Ya Alīm 1000 x.

20 الْقَابِضُ => al-Qābid
The Constrictor

Al Qābid comes from the root word which means to catch something in a grip. Al Qābid is the one who has a grip on all of creation. He takes hold of the souls by subduing them.

Al Qābid goes hand in hand with Al Bāsit meaning that all existence is in the grip of Allah’s power. He is the one who can restrict or release at His will.

# benefits of recitation

For 4 days write Ya Qābid on a piece of bread with your finger and eat it to be safe from hunger, thirst, pain and the punishment of the grave.

Recite 903 x for safety from tyranny.