Vocabulary | Islamic Terms


Fāsiq Fāsiq is an Arabic term referring to someone who violates Islamic law . As a Fāsiq is considered unreliable, his testimony is not accepted in Islamic courts. The terms Fāsiq and Fisq are sometime rendered as " impious ", " venial sinner ", or " depraved ". Origin Fāsiq is derived from the term Fisq , " breaking the agreement " or " to


Jannah Jannah (plural: Jannat), lit. " garden ", is the final abode of the righteous and the Islamic believers, but also the Garden of Eden , where Adam and Hawwā (Eve) dwelt. Firdaws is the literal term meaning paradise , but the Quran generally uses the term Jannah symbolically referring to paradise. However " Firdaws " also designates the highest layer of heaven. In

Isrā and Mi’rāj

Isrā and Mi’rāj The Isrā and Mi’rāj (al-Isrā wal-Mi‘rāj) are the 2 parts of a Night Journey that, according to Islam, Muhammad ( ﷺ ) took during a single night around the year 621 CE . It has been described as both a physical and spiritual journey. A brief sketch of the story is in surah al-Isrā of the Quran, and other details come from

Kāfir disbeliever

Kāfir (plural: Kāfir ūna, kuffār or kafarah; feminine Kāfir ah) is an Arabic term (from the root K-F-R " to cover ") meaning "unbeliever", or "disbeliever". The term alludes to a person who rejects or disbelieves in God according to the teachings of the Islamic prophet Muhammad ( ﷺ ), and denies the dominion and authority of the Islamic God, and thus is often tanslated


Ākhirah Ākhirah is an Islamic term referring to the Afterlife . It is repeatedly referenced in chapters of the Quran concerning the Last Judgment , an important part of Islamic eschatology. Traditionally, it is considered to be one of the 6 main beliefs of Muslims , the others including: => Tawhīd (Unitarianism), => belief in the angels, => belief in the Revealed Books (Scrolls of

Al Wala Wal Bara

Al Wala Wal Bara Al-wala wal-bara is a concept in Sunni Islam, meaning literally "loyalty and disavowal", which signifies loving and hating for the sake of Allah . Al-wala wal-bara is referred to as => holding fast to all that is pleasing to God, and => withdrawing from and opposing all that is displeasing to Allah , - for the sake of Allah . This


Taqwa Taqwa is an Islamic term for being conscious and cognizant of God, of truth, of the rational reality, " piety, fear of God ". It is often found in the Quran . Al-Muttaqīn refers to those who practice Taqwa , or in the words of Ibn Abbas -- "believers who avoid Shirk with Allah and who work in His obedience." Definitions The Arabic word


Batil Batil is an Arabic word meaning falsehood , and can be used to describe a nullified or invalid act or contract according to the Sharia . In contract law, the opposite of Batil is Ṣaḥīḥ (authentic). Batil can be distinguished from Fasid (defective, corrupt) in that a Fasid contract might go through completion, whereas a Batil contract would not.


Mūmin Mūmin (feminine: Mūmina ) is an Arabic Islamic term, frequently referenced in the Quran , meaning " a sincere believer ". It denotes a person who has complete submission to the Will of Allah and has faith firmly established in his heart, i.e. a " faithful Muslim ". Also, it is used as a name and one of the 99 Names of God in


Munāfiqūn In Islam, the Munāfiqūn (' hypocrites ', singular munāfiq ) were a group decried in the Quran as outward Muslims who were secretly unsympathetic to the cause of Muslims and actively sought to undermine the Muslim community. The hypocrisy itself is called nifāq . Types of hypocrisy => Hypocrisy towards God regarding actual faith. And of the people are some who say, "We believe
