99 Names of Allah (Asmā ul-Husnā)| 41-60

99 Names of Allah (Asmā ul-Husnā)| 41-60

41 الْجَلِيلُ => al-Jalīl
The Majestic

Linguistically the verb means to magnify or glorify someone or deem him great.

The attribute Al Jaleel is derived from honour, dignity and greatness. He purifies the heart by manifesting the qualities of his glory and reveals what is hidden by the attributes of His beauty. The qualities of majesty include strength, dominion, holiness, knowledge, wealth, power, etc.

The one who combines all of them is absolutely majestic so when we think of all the qualities put together we say Al Jaleel. When the attributes of majesty are perceived by intellectual perception it is called beauty.

42 الْكَرِيمُ => al-Karīm
The Generous

It describes Allah’s benevolence and beneficence:

Al Karīm is He who forgives whilst having the power to punish. He keeps promises and exceeds the utmost one can desire when giving. Not concerned about the amount given or to whom it is given.

- As an attribute of action it means One who is endowed with liberality.
- As an attribute of power it refers to one who fixes the measure of generosity.
- As an attribute of relation, all nobility stems from this.

Al Karīm is One who is not only with High esteem but one who gives without measure.

# benefits of recitation

Recite 270 x for freedom from debt. Recite for forgiveness.

43 الرَّقِيبُ => Ar-Raqīb
The Vigilant

One who watches everything always:

Linguistically Raqīb is a watchman who stands to protect and guard. Ar Raqīb is One who safeguards everyone and everything. The one from whose knowledge nothing can escape.

# benefits of recitation

Repeat 7 x for yourself, family and property to be under Allah’s protection.
Recite to find lost thing.
Recite 312 x to render bad vibes ineffective.

44 الْمُجِيبُ => al-Mujīb
The Responder

Al Mujīb is the One who answers the pleas and the one who grants what is pleaded for.

It is Al Mujīb who is closer to his creations than they are to themselves. His proximity to all his creations is the same; He is not any closer to a saint than He is to a mustard seed.

He knows the needs of all His creation before they arise, He provides their satisfaction even before it is needed.

Al Mujīb gives prior to being asked and accepts even prior to being pleaded to.

# benefits of recitation

Recite Ya Mujīb to continue to have faith.
Recite 55 x at sunrise after salāh for hajat.
Reciting also helps stop gossip and slander.

45 الْوَاسِعُ => al-Wāsi
The Vast

Derived from the root word which means spaciousness or abundance. He is limitless whose knowledge, power, mercy, generosity are infinite.

His tolerance in relation to deeds performed by His creation is endless. He embraces and contains all things. His all reaching vastness is reflected in His creation. No two human beings are similar in appearance or sound.

# benefits of recitation

Recite Ya Wāsi’ frequently if you have difficulty earning a living.
Recite 137 x to cure depression

46 الْحَكِيمُ => al-Hakīm
The Wise

Hakīm is a superlative form for the glorification of the One Who has all the wisdom:

Being wise or having wisdom consists of knowledge of the highest level and Al Hakīm is the very greatest in wisdom. Wisdom means the best way of knowing something, utilising the very best of means.

Al-Hakīm is One who is Just in His assessments, Rahmān in the management of affairs, One Who has determined the measure of everything, One Who places everything in its right place.

Allah is the wisest in creating everything and in perfecting such a creation:

His wisdom means He has prior knowledge of everything and has brought everything into existence most wisely and most perfectly.

# benefits of recitation

Recite Ya Hakīm continuously to overcome difficulties in work and for knowledge and wisdom.

47 الْوَدُودُ => al-Wadūd
The Loving

Al Wadūd is derived from the Arabic word which conveys the meaning of love or friendship and applies to all avenues of goodness.

Wadūd is unconditional love. The one who desires good for all his creation. In return Allah is the only one worthy of love and al Wadūd is the quality which loves the wellbeing of his creation. Gives his creation the ability to realise their full potential but the best of abilities is to love him back.

48 الْمَجِيدُ => al-Majīd
The Glorious

Allah is the most majestic and glorious and in the meaning of Al Majīd there are 2 elements:

one is His majesty or power which keeps Him above and beyond any attempt to reach Him and the other is His glory and honour as shown in His beautiful actions and state for which He is praised and loved.

Allah is glorious and majestic in whole of His creation and beyond. No power can touch Him yet He is closer to His abd than their own soul:

His love and compassion for them is far greater than their own care for themselves. His bounties are infinite and there is no end to His rahma. His state is pure perfection and His acts are pure wisdom.

# benefits of recitation

Recite Ya Majīd 100 x at iftār on the 13th, 14th & 15th of the Lunar month to cure sickness especially psoriasis, heart disease and depression.

49 الْبَاعِثُ => al-Bā’it
The Resurrector

Al Bāʿit is linguistically derived from a word which means waking up someone or stirring someone to do something. It also means to bring life back to the dead:

Al Bā’it is Allah’s quality of the raising of the dead and revealing what is in their hearts.

The raising of the dead can be called the final creation. It is a time when Allah will raise human beings from the graves and bring forward all thoughts and actions that they encountered in their lifetime.

# benefits of recitation

Recite Ya Bā’it 100 x to gain Taqwa and wisdom. Recite frequently with hand on chest at bedtime.

Recite 7070 x to clear name if wrongly accused.

50 الشَّهِيدُ => Ash-Shahīd
The Witness

The attribute of Ash Shahīd is derived from a word which means eye witness and it requires knowledge of observation.

Allah is Ash Shahīd because He is present and observes all beings and is fully aware of them:

He is the one who witness all that happens everywhere at all times. He is close to all things and pays attention to all events.

# benefits of recitation

Repeat Ya Shahīd 21x with your hand on the forehead of a rebellious child to calm him down. Assists in controlling one’s own disobedience.

51 الْحَقُّ => al-Haqq
The Truth

Allah makes the truth manifest by the power of His words. He permits the truth to manifest itself. He creates everything on truth as His wisdom dictates. He is the first cause of all that exists where there is no change. There is neither a beginning nor an end.

# benefits of recitation

Recite to find lost thing.
For sustenance recite 100 x La Ilaha illallahul Mālikul Haqqul Mubeen every day.

52 الْوَكِيلُ => al-Wakīl
The Trustee

Al Wakīl is the Sustainer: The one who has taken upon himself to provide sustenance for His abd. He has taken upon Himself the charge of the affair of all those under His care. He provides His creation with everything they need.

Linguistically, Al Wakīl means upon whom one relies:

One who relies upon Allah will come to know that Allah suffices him in as far as his sustenance and affairs are concerned so he relies on Him and only Him and depends on Him alone.

# benefits of recitation

If you are afraid of drowning or being burned in a fire, repeat Ya Wakīl for protection.

53 الْقَوِيُّ => al-Qawī
The Strong

Al Qawī signifies unconditional strength. Allah is perfect in His strength and His firmness.

Linguistically Al Qavī is derived from a word, which means strength, power, might or ability. Strength in this sense describes perfect and complete might. He is able to overcome all with His inexhaustible strength. He sees to the continuation of the creation and the protection of the creatures guiding them until the appointed time.

# benefits of recitation

Recite Ya Qawī for safety from an enemy.
Recite 116x for strength to do ibādah.

54 الْمَتِينُ => al-Matīn
The Firm

Al Matīn goes hand in hand with Al Qawī. The firmness here means the intensity of strength. The root word connects solemnness with expansion and extension.

Al Matīn is the one whose might is perfect where nothing can affect Him or move Him. It is the all-pervasive action of the strength of Al Qawī.

# benefits of recitation

Recite Ya Matīn for your troubles to disappear.
To increase breast milk write on a cup and drink water from it.
Recite 500 x to eliminate tyranny and negativity from oneself.

55 الْوَلِيُّ => al-Walī
The Friend

Allah is the protecting friend of His servants. He eliminates their difficulties and gives them guidance, peace and success in their affairs in this world and the hereafter

# benefits of recitation

Recite Ya Walī frequently to become a Friend of God.
Recite in the presence of a spouse who is ill of character.

56 الْحَمِيدُ => al-Hamīd
The Praised

The root word of Al Hamīd is hamd which means praise. ‘Hamd’ is to praise someone for a good acquired by his own intention.

In relation to Allah hamd is neither simply praise nor gratitude. It is a combination of praise and thanks and since Hamd is only for Allah; it incorporates a third concept of worship.

Therefore the word ‘Hamd’ means worshipful and thankful praise. It is a pure internal emotion within the human being whose source lies in the depths of the Nafs.

# benefits of recitation

Repeat Ya Hamīd be loved and praised.
Write on a cup and drink from it for refined speech.

57 الْمُحْصِي => al-Muhsī
The Appraiser

The one who analyses, counts and records in quantities.

The root word of Al Muhsī is a word which means counting or computing. Linguistically it also means to tolerate or be able to handle.

Allah is Al Muhsī, One who counts what we do and computes it for the day when we will meet Him. He sees and knows everything in its reality. Apart from knowing everything that exists as a whole and individually, He knows every minute thing analytically as well.

# benefits of recitation

Recite Ya Muhsī 100 x for ease on the Day of Judgement.
Recite 148x to assist in understanding and memorisation.
Also gives courage for self-criticism.

58 الْمُبْدِئُ => al-Mubdī
The Beginner

Allah is the originator of all. He creates without model or material. In the beginning before time or space when there was no other form of creation, Allah existed.

Linguistically the root word of Al Mubdī means to begin or to initiate. One who brought the cosmos into being without a prior model.

# benefits of recitation

Recite to make decisions when indecisive.

If a pregnant woman fears a miscarriage then place right hand on the stomach and recite Ya Mubdī 99 x.

59 الْمُعِيدُ => al-Mu’īd
The Restorer

The One who restores or reproduces. Linguistically the root word means to return or to go back.

It is Al Mu’īd who brings life back to the dead. He gathers all beings for the day of Judgement and lifts the veil from them. He rewards or punishes them according to their actions.

# benefits of recitation

Repeat Ya Mu’īd 70 x for the safe return of a family member who is away.

60 الْمُحْيِي => al-Muhyī
The Life Giver

Al Muhyī is the one who gives life. He is giver of life to things without life. He is the one who has created life and who has created death, none else can do that.

# benefits of recitation

If you are weighed down with a heavy burden repeat Ya Muhyī 7 x daily.
Recite 68 x after every salāh to cure a chronic illness.